Imprint and information according to §5 (1) E-Commerce Act
Responsible for the content, owner and publisher of these pages:
Maybach Bechter Hellbert Rechtsanwälte GesbR
Schwarzspanierstraße 11/7
1090 Wien
ADVM Code: S103993
Mag. Marian Maybach
Mag. Anna Bechter
DDr. Karina E. Hellbert, LL.M.
VAT: ATU77889448
Tel: +43 1 361 80 99
Fax: +43 1 361 80 99-20
Competent supervisory authority and lawyers’ chamber:
Vienna Bar Association
Professional regulations:
Lawyers’ Code of Conduct (RAO) and Guidelines for the Practice of Law (RL-BA); available on the websites of the Bar Association and the Legal Information System (
Design and maintenance of these pages:
The purpose of this website is to provide information about the law firm Maybach Bechter Hellbert Rechtsanwälte GesbR and its attorneys.
The content of this website is for general information purposes only and does not constitute any legal advice.