Not all public procurement/tender procedures are alike (even if they are subject to the same set of rules). Without knowledge of the specific industry, the characteristics of the products and the terminology to be used, an “off-label” use for a medicinal product/medical device can quickly be tendered and thus also legally challenged. A tender in the creative area or in other “soft law” areas might not have to take all this into account. The focus there is different. We pay special attention to the products and services of our clients, so that such hurdles are bypassed or skipped in the given case.
- Preparation of tender documents for contracting authorities;
- Review of tender documents fortenderers;
- Support in electronic tendering procedures;
- Support in proceedings before the competent administrative courts;
- Training of employees in matters of public procurement law.
Foto: CC0 – August Stauda – Wien Museum – 29975