Publications – Hellbert

Legal Publications – Excerpt:

  • Product Liability in National and International Contracts
    Facultas Verlag. – 2nd edition in progress
  • Handbook of Pharmaceutical Law2
    LexisNexis 2021
  • Aut idem/nec aut idem/drug prescription: contribution to a reliable supply?
    RdM-ÖG 2020/6
  • Coronavirus – exclusive licences for medicinal products
    available at (first publication in March 2020)
  • Cannabidiol: Is CBO in Medicinal Products, Novel Food, and Cosmetics Welcomed or Simply “The Devil” If Used at All
    Available at (first publication July 2019)
  • Wearables, the new e-medical devices
    available at (first publication in February 2018)
  • 3D Printing and Medical Device Law
    Jointly with P. Kessler, Das Medizinprodukt, March 2017
  • Product Liability in National and International Contracts
    Linde Verlag Ges.m.b.H. – 2016
  • Founding your own private practice: Surmountable challenges!
    jointly with P. Kessler, Karriere Medizin, Ausgabe 06/2016
  • Mystery Shopping – admissible evidence or not?
    jointly together with P. Kessler, Ärzte Exklusiv, 8.6.2016, 51f
  • Duty to inform and right not to know – an area of tensions
    Spectrum Onkologie 6/2015, 31
  • Handbook on pharmaceutical law
    LexisNexis ARD ORAC, 2013
  • Not all cookies are desirable
    Der Standard, Journal Wirtschaft & Recht, 21.03.2013
  • Bribery in the private sector – what will change?
    Industry Magazine, 2012;
  • A pit stop of a different kind – The assessment of reimbursability under Austrian social security law
    Pharma Law, 2011
  • Procedural guarantees in connection with medical reports in civil proceedings in “Das Medizinische Gutachten im Verfahren
    Staudinger/Thöni (eds.) 2010
  • Rejection of an expert lay judge due to bias
    exolex 2009, 59
  • Elective physicians and fee floor
    RdM, 2007, 78
  • Price competition between doctors in private practice and independent outpatient clinics
    RdM 2007/47
  • PhD thesis – International Jurisdiction in Patent and Trademark Infringements (2002)
    (Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Peter Mayr)
  • Diploma thesis – Liability issues in genetic engineering (1998)
    (Supervisor: University Prof. Dr. Martin Binder)

Photo: Main reading room of the Vienna University Library, before the bomb damage in 1945 and the reconstruction in 1951; photographer unknown.